Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Aunt and Uncle Raska

This is my Aunt Sabina and Uncle Henry Raska.  The year posted on the back of the picture is 1969. 

I know the exact door that they are standing in front of in my grandparents house in Yoakum, Texas. 

Uncle Henry ran a shoe store in Yoakum and I can still recall the smell of leather from the many times that we came and went from that store during the summers.  Uncle Henry was a very kind man.  I have a memory of saying the Morning Prayers together before he went out to work as a family when I stayed with them.  I guess we'd all be better off if we stopped to pray each morning before starting our day.

I loved Aunt Sabina so much, too, although she did give me a HUGE spoonful of Milk of Magnesia once when I had a fight with Peter, one of her boys.  Gaggggg!!!  I guess she thought I was "sicking with something" and it couldn't be Peter's fault.  I remember being so MADDDDD about that! ha!

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